Professional report layout design in custom infographic style empowering circular economy advocacy.
Delivered SOLIDAR’s AKA Booklet in eight languages with creative and timely design solutions.
We delivered RREUSE’s DigiSocCirc project report across six languages with precision and style.
In 2024 we designed and developed a new website & members’ area for Small Business Standards (SBS).
Branding and custom e-learning website design and development for the EU funded EUCAPA project.
We worked with SOLIDAR in 2023 & 2024 to design a brochure on the state of social rights in Europe.
Boostern revitalised Missing Children Europe’s branding for a modern, mission-aligned identity.
Developed the branding for the EMSP Young People's Network, including a new logo, brand guidelines, and dynamic assets.
A layout design for the annual review & figures and trends reports of Missing Children Europe.
We have been providing tailor-made Communication Consulting services to ECAS since September 2020.
We implemented a substantial redesign of Impact Media’s website.
We provided tailor-made Communication Consulting services to EMSP in 2023.
New event agendas, business cards and various ad banners. This is how we supported ECAS with graphic design in 2023 and 2024.
An interactive annual report for a nonprofit highlighting last year’s achievements on a microsite
A layout design for an annual report for a nonprofit highlighting last year's achievements.
A massive online benchmarking tool to showcase comparative health data from 35 European countries
Full-scale project branding development designing the logo and brand guideline for a Europe-wide survey assessing the symptoms of MS.
A printed version of the project's short animated video.
A web app with e-learning functionalities for an EU-funded project presenting tailored information on vaccines
A layout design for an annual report highlighting a nonprofit's achievements in 2020.