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  2. EMSP Communications Consulting

EMSP Communications Consulting

Case study

Our Co-Founder, Mate Tagaj worked at the European Multiple Sclerosis Platform (EMSP) in Brussels between 2018-2023, registering multiple achievements. This includes the digital rollout of various Europe-wide campaigns like those of the MS Barometer and the Impact of MS Survey (IMSS), as well as leading on the communication campaigns of the EMSP Annual Conference each year. In 2023, Mate left EMSP as a full-time employee, but kept working for the organisation as a Boostern consultant until the end of July.





About the client

The European Multiple Sclerosis Platform (EMSP) is a Pan-European umbrella organisation with over 30 years of expertise. They work together with 43 members organisations from 37 countries and our partners to ensure that the more than one million people affected by multiple sclerosis (MS) in Europe, have a real voice in determining their own priorities.

Main Goals

Lead EMSP’s communications activities

Plan and implement EMSP’s Communications Strategy

Plan, coordinate and deliver all communication work for each ongoing project, produce communications materials (newsletters, publications, annual reports etc.), manage and improve the emsp.org and project websites, social media channels and provide communications support for events, meetings, seminars and exhibitions.

Coordinate the EMSP membership

Membership Management

Coordinate the network of EMSP’s member organisations, ensure the billing and payment of membership fees, organise capacity-building seminars and workshops, membership consultations and ensure high membership satisfaction.

Our solution

Between March and August 2023, Mate kept delivering all the communication-related work at EMSP to ensure a smooth transition period until the hiring of a full-time employee. He worked as a Boostern consultant during that period, providing a seamless shift in his former position.


Key achievements

Website Traffic Growth

3x website traffic increase

Revamped the emsp.org website and skyrocketed its traffic, multiplying the number of users x3 from 2018 to 2023.

YouTube & Newsletter Subscriber Boost

Growth Hacking

Doubled the number of newsletter subscribers and increased the number of YouTube subscribers from 894 to 75,700.

Communication Support

Event, Project & Campaign Support

Coordinated the MS Barometer rollout, created the Impact of MS Symptoms (IMSS) Survey dissemination plan (which doubled the number website visitors & newsletter subscribers) and ebsured the pre-, post- and live coverage of 5 European conferences of 150+ attendees.

Our client said

Working with Boostern has been a unique and great experience. Taking the time to understand our needs and audience, they went above and beyond our expectations delivering high-quality work. Highly recommended.

Elisabeth Kasilingam